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Why Webpack


webpack is an open-source JavaScript module bundler. It is made primarily for JavaScript, but it can transform front-end assets such as HTML, CSS, and images if the corresponding loaders are included

  1. Webpack is the most popular bundle solution in the frontend community today, it has received 50k stars on Github.
  2. It has a great ecosystem, many plugins, loaders. If we search webpack on, we can get 20k resulst.
  3. If we do not need React, Vue, we can still use Webpack to help us compile ES6, SCSS and do many other things (Many people do not know that!)
  4. With a proper config, Webpack can save time and let us build modern web application in quick way.


After creating frontend project from the template, you will have file structures like this.

├── package.json
├── src
│   ├── application
│   ├── components
│   └── styles
├── vendors
│   └── images
│       ├── sample.jpg
│       └── webpack.png
  1. Components can be placed at src/components
  2. SCSS and CSS code can be put at src/styles
  3. Static assets such as images, fonts and other files can be put at vendors



If you have no nodejs installed, please install it first by using below links

  1. On nodejs homepage
  2. Using nvm I recommend this way.
# install dependency packages
$ npm install
# run webpack in watch mode
$ npm run watch

You will see build directory is created under frontend directory

  1. manifest.json contains assets manifest info.
  2. We can get the dependency of the entrypoint through manifest.json
  3. So in templates, we can only import entrypoint without dependency files.

For example, {{ javascript_pack('app', attrs='charset="UTF-8"') }} would generate HTMl like this

<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/runtime.js" charset="UTF-8"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/vendors-node_modules_bootstrap_dist_js_bootstrap_bundle_js.js" charset="UTF-8"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/app.js" charset="UTF-8"></script>
  1. app is entrypoint file
  2. /static/js/runtime.js and /static/js/vendors-node_modules_bootstrap_dist_js_bootstrap_bundle_js.js are all dependency files.
  3. javascript_pack helps us import bundle files transparently

NPM commands

There are three npm commands for us to use

npm run watch

npm run watch would run webpack in watch mode.

webpack can watch files and recompile whenever they change

npm run start

npm run start will launch a server process, which makes live reloading possible.

If you change JS or SCSS files, the web page would auto refresh after the change. Now the server is working on port 9091 by default, but you can change it in webpack/

npm run build

production mode, Webpack would focus on minified bundles, lighter weight source maps, and optimized assets to improve load time.

What should I use

  1. If you are developing, use npm run watch or npm run start
  2. You should use npm run build in deployment

Deployment Notes

Deployment Notes